Are you interested in Roleplaying Games?

Do you live near Aberdeen, Scotland?

Yes? Then we’ve got good news!

The Knights of Trinity logo





Ever watched a TV show and been convinced that the character you’re watching should do something else? Ever played a video game and been frustrated at the limits of what you can do? A roleplaying game allows you to inhabit a fictional character. Together with a group of other players, you will create a unique story where every choice and consequence is yours.


Dungeons & Dragons is the best known roleplaying game, but if that kind of story doesn’t appeal to you, then don’t worry – there are games that cover every type of fictional genre. Space Opera, Zombie Horror, Heist Movie – these are just a very few of the experiences you can enjoy!


Also known as “The Granite City”, Aberdeen is a city on the north-east coast of Scotland. It is mostly known as the centre of the UK’s energy industry, but is also home to a growing and vibrant community of game players. Why not join it?

About Us

Knights of Trinity is a social club for roleplayers based in Aberdeen, Scotland.

The Knights of Trinity formed in late 2000. Our goal has always been to provide a place for fans of roleplaying games to come together and play the games they love with people that they like. We play traditional and well-known games like Dungeons & Dragons, as well as modern games – there really are a lot out there! We meet every week of the year apart from the Christmas and New Year fortnight, using a series of blocks of weeks to allow our members to try different games with different groups. Examples of some of our favourite games below…!


Club members


Games per week


Years of history


Items in our library

Finding Us

You can find us every Tuesday evening, from 6pm until late at Slains Castle, Belmont Street, Aberdeen.

PLEASE NOTE: You have to be 18 or older in order to hang out in the bar with us, we’re afraid!

Just head upstairs (don’t worry about the velvet rope, that’s just there to keep our reserved area off-limits to regular customers!)

If you’re not sure where Belmont Street is, use the What3Words link below, or the Google map on the right.

If you would like to let us know that you’re coming in advance, then use the Facebook or E-mail links at the top of the page to get in touch!

Our Fans

A very social & fun loving game group that enjoys roleplaying every Tuesday night & going out to roleplaying events through the groups organising. All in all, very warm, friendly & inviting. If you like gaming or are curious about it, this is a great place to start.


Nice bunch of geeks. Like the fact it is held in a bar as means I can have a wee drink whilst reliving games of my youth!!


Hands down the best, friendliest, most open and welcoming games club of any sort I have ever encountered. Novice or veteran, absolutely nobody need be anxious about coming on down and meeting the wonderful people of Knights of Trinity.


Latest Updates

Annual General Meeting 2020

Welcome one and all to the Knights of Trinity Annual General Meeting for 2020, the-year-that-shall-not-be-named! This is usually provided by means of the Council standing up in the “Crow’s Nest”…

Club Update: July 2020!

Greetings and salutations! Things are starting to move in the world again (a little, anyway). As a result, here’s an update on the club’s current position. To be clear – there’s some uncertainty…